Monday, February 9, 2009

Will You Be My Valentine???????? (Response Post)

February 4, 2009

"So its February and everyone knows what that means..................VALENTINES DAY!............."

Beginning with the young and impressionable minds of kindergartners, we are taught that Valentine's day is a day of giving gifts to that special someone. Rather it be the girl in the desk beside you or the boy that "love tapped" you on the playground yesterday it is your duty to provide that person a valentine ( a gift expressing your love).

Although we have grown into adults, this tradition still sticks. Every year, men and women nationwide wish upon cupid to make it a special valentine. From pinching the last penny for that perfect gift to slaving over the hot stove for that gourmet dinner, people everywhere go crazy for valentines day! Why?

As a child, my father would always bring home a Payday for me, a Hershey for my mom and skittles for my brother. When asked why, he said because he love us. This has stuck with me well into my adulthood causing me to question why millions of people wait for that one day of the year to share their love.

In Bruce Mcivers blog entitled Valentines' Day Sucks he states, " I dont need one assigned day to spoil and shower my significant other or my object of interest with gifts, affection, compliments, candy, and other forms of appreciation...."

I absolutely agree! If you love someone, you should show them 365 days of every year. Affection and tenderness should be given at one's own merit, not because the media tells one so.

Another thing that I feel many people overlook on the Velentine's Holiday is that Valentine's Day is about shaing love with ALL of your loved ones. Many forget this and splurge on one person that may or may not be there tomorrow.

This year will mark my first Valentine's day alone and I'm just as happy as ever. Rather than focusing on not having someone to buy me flowers, candy or a card, I am choosing to make gifts and send cards to ALL of my loved ones, including friends, family and ME! For who can love me better than me:)

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