Friday, February 13, 2009

Shaping Up!: What ODU monarchs want to know about health (Interview Post)

With summer weather steadily approaching, Old Dominion University students are anxious to tone up that winter flab and sculpt their figure into their ideal beach bod. From dieting to exercise, many students have begun their road to sexy, summer fun;however, in search of attaining the perfectly healthy summer bod many have a few questions.

In an effort to learn what students wanted to know about shaping up, I conducted interviews with three students asking them three questions regarding their fitness aspirations. Read along for you too may find some essential tips to attaining your summer bod.

Interview # 1: Tanesha Washington, Junior, Pshycology major
A: What are your goals of attaining a fit summer bod?
T: Well... as many other students will tell you, its a great amount of pressure on to get fit for the summer. Personally, I strive to stay fi and healthy all year around ;however, I do exert a little more time and energy to shedding the holiday pounds for my beach bikini... I hope to loose about lbs., to tone up my arms and legs, and to sculpt the abs.

A2: What fitness regimen are you on to attain this figure?
T2: To attain this goal... I've begun cutting back on my snacks. I love my after dinner muffins however, I'm sure missing one or two or three will pay off in the end. Also, I'm jogging and doing a bit of weight lifting at least three times a week. I must admit it was hard at first.

A3: What advise would you give others regarding shaping up for the summer.
T3: Start early! When I first began my diet and exercise schedule it was extremely hard, but now... my body is getting use to it and I can definately see a difference. It takes sacrifice and fruits but its well worth it.

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