Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stomping The Yard...NPHC Hop Off ( Image Post)

In "Stomp The Yard" , America was introduced to the popular art of step. Starring Chris Brown, Megan Fordand many more talented actors and actresses, the art of step was brought to mainstream hip hop culture, challenging college/university greek organizations nationwide to step up and Stomp The Yard.

Starting of the Spring 2009 semester, the Notorious NPHC of Old Dominion University stepped up to the challenge. With the hottest beats of the layest musical hits and the freshest moves, the lovely ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. , Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. and the dignified men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. stomped the stage of the Webb University Center competing for the title of Hope-Off winner.

The lovely ladies of the Kaptivating Kappa Gamma Chapter begin their hop-off performance with nothing less than elegance and class.

Led by Soror DerShawn Jefferson, ODU dance major graduating in spring 2009, the ladies of Kappa Gamma begin their stroll with the signature "hair swing" move.

Following the lovely ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. were divastaing women of Delta Sigma Theta Incorporated. These ladies showed out keeping the crowd entertained.

Showcasing their Delta pride, the ladies performed to the fresh sounds of Dream, Souljah Boy Tellum', Beyonce and many more.

Following the Delta's, were the ladies of the Rho Nu Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated.

Incorporating the hit song "Blame It" by T-Pain and Jamie Foxx,the Zeta's themed their performace as they they were riding to and form a ODU party.

Entertaining the crowd with their sharp, precise movements were the men of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Incorporated.

Appealing to the Ladies of the audience, the handsome performers serenaded the females with a seductive performance to Chris Brown hit single, " Take You Down".

The Hop-Off was a great success. Concluding the annual event, the judges announced the winners. In first place were the men of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc and in second place were the ladies of Delta Sigma Thea Sorority Incorporated.

Wanna see more of the men and women of the Notorious NPHC? Attend the NPHC sponsored Stomp The Yard step showcase scheduled for March 28th at 7pm in the Ted Constant Convocation Center.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Shaping Up!: What ODU monarchs want to know about health (Interview Post)

With summer weather steadily approaching, Old Dominion University students are anxious to tone up that winter flab and sculpt their figure into their ideal beach bod. From dieting to exercise, many students have begun their road to sexy, summer fun;however, in search of attaining the perfectly healthy summer bod many have a few questions.

In an effort to learn what students wanted to know about shaping up, I conducted interviews with three students asking them three questions regarding their fitness aspirations. Read along for you too may find some essential tips to attaining your summer bod.

Interview # 1: Tanesha Washington, Junior, Pshycology major
A: What are your goals of attaining a fit summer bod?
T: Well... as many other students will tell you, its a great amount of pressure on to get fit for the summer. Personally, I strive to stay fi and healthy all year around ;however, I do exert a little more time and energy to shedding the holiday pounds for my beach bikini... I hope to loose about lbs., to tone up my arms and legs, and to sculpt the abs.

A2: What fitness regimen are you on to attain this figure?
T2: To attain this goal... I've begun cutting back on my snacks. I love my after dinner muffins however, I'm sure missing one or two or three will pay off in the end. Also, I'm jogging and doing a bit of weight lifting at least three times a week. I must admit it was hard at first.

A3: What advise would you give others regarding shaping up for the summer.
T3: Start early! When I first began my diet and exercise schedule it was extremely hard, but now... my body is getting use to it and I can definately see a difference. It takes sacrifice and fruits but its well worth it.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Will You Be My Valentine???????? (Response Post)

February 4, 2009

"So its February and everyone knows what that means..................VALENTINES DAY!............."

Beginning with the young and impressionable minds of kindergartners, we are taught that Valentine's day is a day of giving gifts to that special someone. Rather it be the girl in the desk beside you or the boy that "love tapped" you on the playground yesterday it is your duty to provide that person a valentine ( a gift expressing your love).

Although we have grown into adults, this tradition still sticks. Every year, men and women nationwide wish upon cupid to make it a special valentine. From pinching the last penny for that perfect gift to slaving over the hot stove for that gourmet dinner, people everywhere go crazy for valentines day! Why?

As a child, my father would always bring home a Payday for me, a Hershey for my mom and skittles for my brother. When asked why, he said because he love us. This has stuck with me well into my adulthood causing me to question why millions of people wait for that one day of the year to share their love.

In Bruce Mcivers blog entitled Valentines' Day Sucks he states, " I dont need one assigned day to spoil and shower my significant other or my object of interest with gifts, affection, compliments, candy, and other forms of appreciation...."

I absolutely agree! If you love someone, you should show them 365 days of every year. Affection and tenderness should be given at one's own merit, not because the media tells one so.

Another thing that I feel many people overlook on the Velentine's Holiday is that Valentine's Day is about shaing love with ALL of your loved ones. Many forget this and splurge on one person that may or may not be there tomorrow.

This year will mark my first Valentine's day alone and I'm just as happy as ever. Rather than focusing on not having someone to buy me flowers, candy or a card, I am choosing to make gifts and send cards to ALL of my loved ones, including friends, family and ME! For who can love me better than me:)

Blame it on the AAAAAAAlcohol..... (Independent Post 3)

"Blame it on the goose
Got you feeling loose
Blame it on petron
Got you in the zone

Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol
Blame it on the a a a a a alchol

Blame it on the vodka
Blame it on the henny
Blame it on the blue top
Got you feeling dizzy ..."

Every Friday, men and women nationwide flee from their Monday through Thursday academic or career routines shouting TGIF. Ready to let loose and be free for the weekend, many abandon the fruits and vegetables of Monday through Thursday and seek refuge in a cold, glass of alcohol.

Beer, wine, liquor... they all get us in the zone but are they really healthy? Research has shown that alcohol has numerous effects on the body, both positive and negetive. Today, I will let you in on the secret of alcohol consumption in your daily diet.

According to Buddy T. ( journalist), When large amounts of alcohol are consumed, the body senses that its caloric needs have been met. This produces a decreased demand for other foods. Alcohol contains about 9,000 calories (9 Kcal) per gram. However, these calories do not provide any of the carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins or minerals needed to maintain body functions. Simply put... Alcohol is produces a great amount of empty calories. And, just like everything else, less is better.

Although alcohol isn't necessarily good for the body, it isn't necessarily bad either. In
Therefore, when having your weekend fun, celebrate your weeks accomplishments with alchol (in moderation) and planty of exercise. Don't Blame it on the Alcohol!

Beautifully Healthy...Are you? ( Independent Post 2)

January 29, 2009

Beauty, beauty, beauty! What is beauty? As we watch t.v., surf the internet, and/or listen to the airwaves, Americans are bombraded by the media's image of ideal beauty. Whether it be to loose five -ten pounds with NutriSystem or to enhance the quality of skin with Loreal or CoverGirl there is always a product to purchase to showcase your beauty.

Why? Why pay for beauty when nature already provides what we need? Before one can understand this logic, one must answer the age old question of what is beauty?. According to the term beauty is defined as the quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is associated with such properties as harmony of form or color, excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality.

Our bodies are unique works of art, our complexions are divine pallets of perfections, and our minds our radiant drawing boards of originality. We are all beautiful. The challenge is... to be Beautifully healthy.

In order to achieve beautifully healthy, one must be healthy in mind, body, spirit and soul. This includes eating right, exercising daily and getting the proper amount of rest.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Good Will Hunting... (ODU Scavenger Hunt Edition)

As you follow the blue and white paws outlining the home of the mighty monarch, you may stumble upon some of the academic wonders of Old Dominion University. From the historical landscape of Rollins hall to the immaculant lawn of Kaufman Mall, Old Dominion University has numerous academic wonders built to stimulate the monarch mind through educational enhancement.

Located between Perry Library and Batten Arts and Letters Building lies home of the teletechnet academic building. Nestled beautifully behind a fountain gorgeous green landscape, Gornto Hall serves as the building for televised and computerized academic courses. Gornto also houses a testing lab.

As an Old Dominion University monarch, one must visit and tour Gornto . Travel the halls and tour the technology filled classrooms. For you never know, your next class may be held there.