Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words... (Gibbs & Warhover Post)

When looking at pictures, many become engulfed in the images that meet their eye. Whether flipping through the family photo albums or clicking through your bff's latest facebook album, pictures contain numerous meanings touching upon our heart strings and emotions. In the COMM 366 Journalism in the Digital Age we discussed Gibbs & Warhover's reading detailing visual concepts ( salience, coherence, organization and impact). Below I have posted four pictures that captured my eye. Read further and see how the visula concepts fit into these photos.

Visual Coherence:

Visual Coherence is defined as the extent to which visual elements of a composition are tied together with color, shape, image, lines of sight, theme, etc.
In this image, the images, font and color all capture the audiences attention . All of the images are connected with the meaning of the photo.

Visual Impact:
Visual impact id defined as the overall affect and appeal that a visual composition has on an audience.
This image is a great example of visual impact. At first glance the audience is taken off guard at the image of a women's breast, but at further glance one can see the image of eyeballs.

Visual Salience:
Visual Salience is defined as the importance or prominence of a visual element.
In this photo, the artist used lines to develop numerous other attention grabbing shapes.

Visual Organization:
Visual Organization is defined as the pattern arrangement that relates the elements of the visual essay in a way that makes it easier for readers/viewers to comprehend.
In this photo, the viewer is able to look at the maps and follow the arrows to an enlarged image that is highlighted on the map.

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