Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Outdoor Adventure Fitness: (Individual Post 4)

As the spring weather steadily approaches, many are eager to head outdoors for some outdoor adventure fun. Although traditionally, many workout out in gym, there are numerous other fun ways to exercise. One pf these ways is through the power of outdoor fitness. In an affort to promote healthy living through fun, adventurous programs, the Old Dominion University Recreational Sports Depertment has launch its
Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP) in a larger map'>Outdoor Adventure Program

The Outdoor Adventure Program organizes organizes trips, events, clinics, and more with an outdoor adventure theme. Goals of the program includes to increase participants' appreciation and protection of natural resources as well as opportunities for personal exploration, growth and leadership development through their participation in outdoor activities.

Some of the upcoming Outdoor Adventure events include:

1. Wilderness Backpacking : Friday, April 3rd-Sunday,April 5th
St. Mary's Wilderness area is the largest wilderness area in Virginia and is located in the Blue RidgeMountains. This weekend of backpacking explores the elevations ranging from 1, 700 feet to 3, 400 feet and includes the drain-ages of Cellar Hollow, Spy Run, and the upper part of the Saint Mary's River. Along the Saint Mary's there are ponds of native trout, trails lined with rhododendron and mountain laurel, and a lovely waterfall waiting to be discovered. Trip includes trip leaders, transportation, group camping equipment and participant backpack.

2. Mountain Backpacking: Sunday, April 12th
Pump up your tires because we're headed out for a day of mountain biking. Trip includes bikes (or bring your own), transportation, park fees, and trip leaders.

3. Shenandoah River Canoe & Camping: Friday, April 17th- Sunday, April 19th
Grab your paddle because we're headed down the river! This trip com-bines camping and canoeing on the Shenandoah River. Participants will cover over twenty miles of the river (dependent on weather), see the Shenandoah Valley from a new perspective, and set up a primitive camp along the banks of the river! Trip includes trip leaders, transportation, group camping equipment and canoes.

To learn more information regarding how you can join your fellow monarchs in the outdoor fun, visit the Recreational Sports Department located in the Student Recreation Student at 4700 Powhatan Avenue , Room 1207. Or, contact OAP Coordinator Bridget Nemeth at

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words... (Gibbs & Warhover Post)

When looking at pictures, many become engulfed in the images that meet their eye. Whether flipping through the family photo albums or clicking through your bff's latest facebook album, pictures contain numerous meanings touching upon our heart strings and emotions. In the COMM 366 Journalism in the Digital Age we discussed Gibbs & Warhover's reading detailing visual concepts ( salience, coherence, organization and impact). Below I have posted four pictures that captured my eye. Read further and see how the visula concepts fit into these photos.

Visual Coherence:

Visual Coherence is defined as the extent to which visual elements of a composition are tied together with color, shape, image, lines of sight, theme, etc.
In this image, the images, font and color all capture the audiences attention . All of the images are connected with the meaning of the photo.

Visual Impact:
Visual impact id defined as the overall affect and appeal that a visual composition has on an audience.
This image is a great example of visual impact. At first glance the audience is taken off guard at the image of a women's breast, but at further glance one can see the image of eyeballs.

Visual Salience:
Visual Salience is defined as the importance or prominence of a visual element.
In this photo, the artist used lines to develop numerous other attention grabbing shapes.

Visual Organization:
Visual Organization is defined as the pattern arrangement that relates the elements of the visual essay in a way that makes it easier for readers/viewers to comprehend.
In this photo, the viewer is able to look at the maps and follow the arrows to an enlarged image that is highlighted on the map.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Into Fitness: Student Recreation Center Edition (Individual Post 4)

As one strolls the campus of Old Dominion University, obediently following the blue and white paw trails sketched throughout the campus, one may be overwhelmed with the beating and banging of construction crews lining w. 47th St. Along with the udding trees and antsy college students are construction crews working steadily to complete one of Old Dominion Universities latest campus enhancement project, the Student Recreation Center.

During the Fall 2006 semester, the Health and Physical Education Building was demolished in an effort to make way for a new, state-of-the-art recreational facility. The 15, 000 square ft. Student Reacreation Center will include a hardwood gym, multipurpose courts, indoor swimming pool, cardio theatre, indoor running track, 2-story climbing wall, four fitness studios, three racuetball courts, a Wi-Fi and a juice bar.

According to Dr. Marbury, Director of the Recreational Sports Department, " The Student Recreation Center will be a great place for students, faculty, and staff to come and participate in the programs and services offered through the Recreational Sports Departmnet all for free in the convenience of campus."

To experience the wonders of the Student Recreation Center yourself, visit the Recreational Sports Department located at 1015 W. 47th Street to schedule a tour.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Stomping The Yard...NPHC Hop Off ( Event Coverage Post)

In "Stomp The Yard" , America was introduced to the popular art of step. Starring Chris Brown, Megan Ford and many more talented actors and actresses, the art of step was brought to mainstream hip hop culture, challenging college/university greek organizations nationwide to step up and Stomp The Yard.

In an effort to Stomp the Yard of Old Dominion University, the Notorious ODU NPHC stepped up to the challenge. On, Tuesday, February__ from 12pm-2pm in the Webb University Center House of Blue cafe,the ODU NPHC hosted their first annual NPHC Hop-Off.

With the hottest beats and freshest moves of the layest musical hits and artist, the lovely ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Delta Sigma Theta Inc., Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., and the dignified men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., and Iota Phi Theta Inc. stomped the yard competing for the title of Hop-Off winner.

Judged on the basis of creativity, dificulty, crowd participation and skill, each organization performed a 2-5 minute Hop showcasing their organization pride. First up were the lovely ladies of the Kappa Gamma Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. With 5 performers, these ladies showcsed true style and elegance.

Immediately following the AKA's were the young men of their brother fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha. Hopping with excited these young men showed what happens in the "gorilla zoo" ( hop theme).

Next, were the divas of Delta Sigma Theta. Dressed in sorority colors, red, white and black, these ladies represented with fresh moves, cute costumes, and innovative performance props. Their performance was quite entertaining.

And then came the ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Sticking with their theme of " a college party" the Zeta's did simple but classic steps honoring the fraternity's of the NPHC and encouraging crowd participation.

Lastly were the men of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. Performing with percission and heart, these young men wooed the crowd sneaking in a seductive performance for the ladies of the audience.

The Hop-Off was a great success. Concluding the annual event, the judges announced the winners. In first place were the men of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc and in second place were the ladies of Delta Sigma Thea Sorority Incorporated.

Wanna see more of the men and women of the Notorious NPHC? Attend the NPHC sponsored Stomp The Yard step showcase scheduled for March 28th at 7pm in the Ted Constant Convocation Center.