Friday, January 23, 2009

Healthy Living...Or not (Intro Post)

January 23, 2008

" Don't look back. Loose weight today!" According to Nutrisystem, Jenny lost 40lbs in 2 weeks and so can I. With the help of their meal plan I too can shed the pounds fast. Ha.

As I count out the last 60 seconds of my 15 minute jog, I snicker at the bombardment of Healthy Living advertisements forced upon today's society through media outlets. Radio, internet, and TV are just a few sources of media that tell Americans that we're ( in a nutshell) fat, but with the help of a specific dietary meal plan, we too can achieve a life of healthy skinniness. What a crock!

Gulping down a good ole' frosty bottle of H2O I marvel at the thought of Healthy Living. Just prior to the 2008 winter break,along with many other college students, I too questioned if a healthy lifestyle was attainable in my life? From the high calorie cafeteria food to the late night snacks with friends Healthy just seemed impossible! That is until, I began the Laurie Turner 5 steps to Healthy Fitness. With this plan, all have access to a healthy lifestyle.

Step 1. Exercise. Exercise is a key ingredient for any type of healthy/fit lifestyle. Although you have a busy schedule, do 15 minutes of cardio in the morning and 30 minutes of cardio before to go to bed. Cardio may just include jogging in place while watching your favorite tv show or walking in place while cooking your favorite healthy meal.

Step 2. Eat Less.Eat More. Yes ,eating less sounds absurd, however it's easily achieved. Continue to eat your favorite meals;however, cut your proportion size in half. Will you be hungry if you eat less? No, Between your meal, include a healthy snack of fruits, yogurt, or pudding. This will keep you full until your next healthy meal.

Step 3. Drink Water. Since the ages of our youth, we've all heard that water was good and we should drink it, yet many of us are unable to get past the taste. Despite waters tart taste, its' great for achieving your fitness goals. Drinking water with meals helps your body feel full so that you won't intake more than a healthy proportion.

Step 4. More rest. Less Stress. On the average person, stress builds up causing weight gain along with many other side affects. Dedicate yourself to getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. You will wake up refreshed and light.

Step 5. Know Your Body. Anyone can tell you what diet works for them; however, that same diet may not work for you. Our bodies are our temples. Each and everyone is built uniquely with their own shape and fitness needs. Know your body and diet accordingly.

In today's society, healthy living has become a popular selling point for industries and advertisers. Don't fall into their media schemes. Live your life. Lover your body. And, Be fit with your Healthy Lifestyle!


  1. I to think that all those comercials about losing weight in 10 days is a bunch of b/s for lack of better words. I mean im pretty skinny so i cant talk but it seems like the 5 step plan u layed could actually work. reason being your not overexerting yourself and you diet is also reflecting healthier eating. let me kno how it goes.

  2. I like the idea of that diet. Though I agree with pretty much everything, I would just up the cardio. You need to do cardio yes for at least 30 minutes a day, but if you want to start to lose weight you need to do at least 45. Because the first half hour is for burning off water weight, nutrients and food that you've eaten that day. After 30 minutes you start to burn stored fat. So once you reach that weight you want, or the look you want (because sometimes weight and look arent the same thing) then you can jump back down to 30. Definitely at least 30 minutes a day to help your heart.
    It is silly and crazy to believe those commercials. Even if there are pills out there that help you lose weight, I can't imagine that they would be healthy. But I'm the type of person who doesnt even like to take advil or tylenol if i have a headache.

  3. I like the idea of living healthy through moderation. If you come up with some ideas for the less stress more rest point, post it. My best plan at the moment is yoga on my new wii fit. what do you think? Is wii fit going to do the trick? It yelled at me the other day for not getting on often enough.
